Saturday, April 6, 2013

A new Beginning

child portraits - digital drawing of a boy
Winding down from a busy day of work, my wife and I were just getting ready for bed. As I was brushing my teeth I glanced in the mirror and noticed the large bags under my eyes.  Hoping for a good sleep, we both jumped into bed, turned the lights off and settled in. 

"Turn the lights on", my wife sputtered.  As I flicked the lights on she pulled the blankets from her, I looked down and realized it was time.

child portraits - digital drawing of a baby girl

On February 10th, 2012 "Gia James Simpatico" was born.

After doing several children's portraits for clients and friends, I now had the opportunity to use my daughter as my next subject.  I found it interesting because children's portraits are one of my most popular requests, but they do pose a challenge for me.  My style tends be raw, organic and fast which doesn't always lend itself to the soft lines of a child's face. so these pieces do tend to be more time consuming than others.

Below are some examples of children portraits I have done. As you can see colour is still important to me and I feel that its an element that will never leave my work.

child portraits - digital drawing of a boy with a bookchild portraits - digital drawing of a boy with a plaid shirt

For more child portraits please check out my portfolio at